The L&D manager may need to help the learners understand the essential functions of the tool, what each button and menu item is used for, or how to find help when they get stuck. Once the employees have learned the basics of the platform, however, productivity with the tool will begin to increase rapidly over time before starting to level out once the majority of employees have become proficient with the tool. Activities that follow a diminishing returns learning curve are the most straightforward when measuring and predicting how the performance and output of a workforce will change over time.
A comprehensive understanding of the application of learning curve on managerial economics would provide plenty of benefits on strategic level. Demeester and Qi [20] used the learning curve to study the transition between the old products’ eliminating and new products’ introduction. Their results indicated that the optimal switching time is determined by the characteristics of product and process, market factors, what is common stock and the features of learning curve on this production. Konstantaras, Skouri, and Jaber [21] applied the learning curve on demand forecasting and the economic order quantity. They found that the buyers obey to a learning curve, and this result is useful for decision-making on inventory management. The slope of the learning curve represents the rate in which learning translates into cost savings for a company.
In terms of decision-making, no action items are required here, as the initial cost of slow learning is quickly returned upon reaching the high-efficiency phase. However, if the rest of the data shows that the task should not take very long for employees to learn, this graph is taken as an indication to modify your employee training method. Manufacturing costs as related to workforce performance can be tracked by using the learning curve. Instead of performance and number of attempts, the values could be unit cost or unit labor hours and cumulative production in units.
Wright in 1936 in his work “Factors Affecting the Cost of Airplanes“, after realizing that the cost of aircraft production decreased with the increase in production performance. There are currently different variations of the original formula used today in specialized applications, but the idea remains familiar to the original formula. One of the most important tasks for any L&D professionals is to determine when and where to deploy resources to achieve the greatest possible effect. L&D managers can use Learning Curve Theory to track productivity and determine where employees need the most support and where L&D resources will have the biggest impact. When used in conjunction with a Collaborative Learning platform like 360Learning, these benefits can be even greater.
Disadvantages of the learning curve model
An L&D manager may use this curve when developing a training plan to teach their Quality Control team how to use a new reporting tool where the employee only needs to enter the ID number of was tested and the results of each test. The learning curve in this context can be influenced by the quality of training programs, the complexity of the job, and the individual’s learning capabilities. At the beginning of the learning curve, there is often a period of lower efficiency and higher costs.
- A learning curve is typically described with a percentage that identifies the rate of improvement.
- Become familiar with learning data and obtain a practical tool to use when planning how you will leverage learning data in your organization.
- Because of the graph’s upward slowing curve, it appears it takes incrementally more time to perform more tasks.
When the learner is first introduced to the task, they may need to learn each step and each concept before they are able to complete the task successfully. Once this initial learning period has been completed, performance will increase steadily as the learner becomes more comfortable with the task. At that point, the learner’s performance will level off, after which point they will likely see only slight increases over time. An L&D manager might encounter this type of curve when a new productivity tool is introduced to employees in their office, for example. The first time employees see the tool, they will likely have no idea how to use it, and overall performance output with the tool will be near zero.
Let’s take a look at some different examples of where the learning curve is being applied today. In the example of learning to read, the variables could include phonetics, vocabulary, type of reading material, teaching methods, motivation, previous knowledge or experience, quality of practice, and much more. The rate of progression is slow at the beginning and then rises over time until full proficiency is obtained. The 1st curve of achievement represents an increase in productivity over each unit of trial. While the term “learning curve” came into use in the early 20th century, Dr. Hermann Ebbinghaus described this theory as early as 1885.
The Learning Curve Theory: Types, Benefits, Limitations (
There are many variables in learning that impact the rate of progression and cannot be accurately reflected in the learning curve model. Using a learning curve can help a business to improve the performance and productivity of their workforce and reduce costs. When a learning curve has a given percentage, this indicates the rate at which learning and improvement occur. Most often, the percentage given is the amount of time it will take to perform double the amount of repetitions. In the example of a 90% learning curve, this means there is a corresponding 10% improvement every time the number of repetitions doubles. This curve is used to illustrate activities that are easy to learn but where performance gains level off relatively quickly.
Typically, most learners experience a learning curve at the beginning of a new experience, and that incline tapers off as they gradually learn more about the subject matter. Efficiency and development curves typically follow a two-phase process of first bigger steps corresponding to finding things easier, followed by smaller steps of finding things more difficult. It reflects bursts of learning following breakthroughs that make learning easier followed by meeting constraints that make learning ever harder, perhaps toward a point of cessation. For the performance of one person in a series of trials the curve can be erratic, with proficiency increasing, decreasing or leveling out in a plateau. Learning curves can also be applied to organizational performance using either the generalized approach or by conducting a measured analysis. Determining which approach to take depends on whether the desired performance can be directly measured.
Learning Theories
Due to inherent physical and cognitive limitations, very few activities follow a true increasing returns learning curve for more than a short period. This model is primarily theoretical and is almost always used to describe a subsection of a larger learning curve. Create personalized learning programs with training content tailored according to individual job roles and learning types.
What Does a High Learning Curve Mean?
A high or steep learning curve indicates that it takes a substantial amount of resources to perform an initial task. However, it also signifies that subsequent performance of the same task will take less time due to the task being relatively easier to learn. A high learning curve indicates to a business that something might require intensive training, but that an employee will quickly become more proficient over time.